The Gratitude (COZA) – Keresimesi (Christmas)

Nigerian gospel collective The Gratitude, affiliated with COZA (Commonwealth of Zion Assembly), ushers in the festive season with their latest release, “Keresimesi (Christmas).” Known for their dynamic and energetic approach to gospel music, The Gratitude has carved a niche for themselves in the vibrant Nigerian music scene. With “Keresimesi,” they bring their signature style to the celebration of Christmas, infusing the holiday spirit with a joyful and soulful sound.

Keresimesi” is a rhythmic and melodic ode to the Christmas season, reflecting the diverse cultural expressions of joy and festivities in Nigeria. The Gratitude, comprised of talented singers and musicians, showcases their ability to craft music that is both spiritually uplifting and culturally relevant. As the song reverberates with the essence of Christmas in Nigeria, The Gratitude once again proves their prowess in blending faith, joy, and a distinctly Nigerian musical flavor, making “Keresimesi” a delightful addition to the Christmas playlist for believers and music enthusiasts alike.

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Video: The Gratitude (COZA) – Keresimesi (Christmas)


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