Apostle Jotham Bobai Adams – Great Commission Day 2

On this momentous occasion of Great Commission Day, Apostle Jotham Bobai Adams, president of Shekinah Encounter Center, leads his congregation in a profound reflection on the call to go and make disciples of all nations. With fervent zeal and unwavering commitment, Apostle Adams echoes the words of Jesus from Matthew 28:19-20, reminding believers of their divine mandate to proclaim the gospel message to the ends of the earth.

In his impassioned sermon, Apostle Adams challenges his congregation to embrace the Great Commission as not merely a suggestion but a sacred duty entrusted to every follower of Christ. He emphasizes the urgency of the task at hand and the unparalleled privilege of participating in God’s redemptive work. Through compelling storytelling and scriptural exposition, Apostle Adams ignites a fire within his listeners, inspiring them to step boldly into their role as ambassadors for Christ, equipped with the power of the Holy Spirit to spread the message of salvation to a world in desperate need of hope and redemption. As hearts are stirred and minds are renewed, believers are commissioned afresh to fulfill the Great Commission with unwavering faith, knowing that as they obediently follow Christ’s command, He will be with them always, even to the end of the age.

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