Bro. Gbile Akanni – The Endtime Is Here

The Endtime Is Here

As believers, it is imperative that we recognize the signs of the times and understand the urgency of the hour we are living in. The scriptures have foretold of the endtime, a period marked by great tribulation, moral decay, and spiritual deception. In the midst of these tumultuous times, we must anchor our faith firmly in God’s word and remain steadfast in our devotion to Him. Now more than ever, we are called to be vigilant, prayerful, and unwavering in our commitment to spread the gospel of Jesus Christ to a world that is desperately in need of salvation.

Brother Gbile Akanni reminds us that the endtime is not a distant event but a reality that is unfolding before our very eyes. It is a time for believers to arise and shine, to be beacons of light in a world engulfed by darkness. Let us not be complacent or indifferent, but let us rise up with boldness and courage to proclaim the truth of God’s word to a lost and dying world. May we be found faithful stewards of the gospel, living lives that honor and glorify our Lord Jesus Christ as we eagerly await His return.

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