Bro. Gbile Akanni – Nature of The Kingdom

Nature of The Kingdom

Brother Gbile Akanni expounds on the profound nature of the Kingdom of God, contrasting it with the kingdoms of this world. Unlike earthly kingdoms that operate on power, control, and self-interest, the Kingdom of God is characterized by righteousness, peace, and joy in the Holy Spirit. Brother Gbile Akanni reminds us that as citizens of God’s kingdom, our allegiance is to our Heavenly King, Jesus Christ, and our primary aim is to advance His reign on earth by living out His values and principles.

Furthermore, Brother Gbile Akanni highlights the radical nature of the Kingdom of God, which challenges societal norms and confronts the status quo. In God’s kingdom, the first shall be last, the meek shall inherit the earth, and the greatest among us is the one who serves others. This upside-down kingdom calls us to humility, selflessness, and sacrificial love as we seek to embody the values of our King. Let us, therefore, align our lives with the nature of God’s kingdom, seeking His righteousness above all else and proclaiming His reign to a world in need of His transformative power.

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