Apostle Jotham Bobai Adams – Accrediting Your Voice

At the helm of Shekinah Encounter Center, Apostle Jotham Bobai Adams delivers a compelling message on the significance of accrediting our voices with the authority of God’s Word. With fervent conviction, Apostle Adams emphasizes the profound impact our words can have on shaping the world around us. Drawing from biblical teachings, he reminds believers of the power of life and death residing in the tongue, urging them to use their voices as instruments of blessing, encouragement, and truth.

Apostle Adams challenges his congregation to align their words with the timeless wisdom and divine authority found in scripture, recognizing that when our voices echo the truths of God’s Word, they carry a transformative force capable of bringing light into darkness and hope into despair. With passionate exhortation, he calls believers to steward their voices responsibly, accrediting them with the weight of heavenly authority, and thereby participating in the ongoing work of God’s kingdom here on earth. Through Apostle Adams’ stirring sermon, hearts are convicted, spirits are stirred, and believers are inspired to let their voices resound with the eternal truths of God’s love and redemption.

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