Apostle Edu Udechukwu – Ancient Mandate

In his sermon on “Ancient Mandate,” Apostle Edu Udechukwu of RevivalHub International delves into the timeless calling and commission given to believers since ancient times. Drawing inspiration from Matthew 28:19-20, where Jesus commands His disciples to go and make disciples of all nations, he emphasizes that this mandate is not merely a suggestion but an ancient calling embedded in the fabric of Christian faith. Through his teachings, Apostle Udechukwu empowers believers to recognize and embrace their role in fulfilling this ancient mandate, urging them to participate actively in the Great Commission by proclaiming the gospel and making disciples in their spheres of influence.

As Apostle Udechukwu expounds upon the “Ancient Mandate,” he challenges believers to align themselves with God’s eternal purposes and to walk in obedience to His call. By encouraging them to step out in faith, share their faith boldly, and disciple others with love and compassion, he enables believers to participate in the ongoing work of God’s kingdom expansion. Through the “Ancient Mandate,” believers are empowered to make an eternal impact, spreading the message of salvation to the ends of the earth and fulfilling their divine destiny as ambassadors of Christ.

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