Dunsin Oyekan – Roar

“Roar” by Dunsin Oyekan: An Anthem of Divine Power

In the dynamic landscape of gospel music, Dunsin Oyekan’sRoar” emerges as a powerful anthem that echoes the artist’s profound connection with spirituality. Released in 2022, this track is a testament to Oyekan’s ability to blend evocative lyrics with soul-stirring melodies. Hailing from Nigeria, Dunsin Oyekan has become a prominent figure in the global gospel music scene, known for his distinctive sound and unwavering commitment to delivering messages of faith through his art.

Roar” serves as a continuation of Oyekan’s musical journey, building on the success of his previous releases. The song captivates audiences with its intense lyrics and a musical arrangement that transcends cultural boundaries. As an artist with a mission to inspire worship and a sense of divine connection, Dunsin Oyekan uses “Roar” to convey the potency of God’s presence in our lives, inviting listeners to experience a transformative encounter through the song’s uplifting energy.

While “Roar” doesn’t feature any additional artists, the singular force of Dunsin Oyekan’s vocals and the emotive power of the music make it a standout piece in the gospel genre. The release of “Roar” in 2022 marks another milestone in Dunsin Oyekan’s career, solidifying his position as a trailblazer in the realm of spiritually enriching music.

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Video: Dunsin Oyekan – Roar

Lyrics: Dunsin Oyekan – Roar

Let the army Roar
Hey Hey
Let the army Roar
Hey Hey
Let the army Roar
Hey Hey
Let the army Roar
Hey Hey

An army is rising
That won’t take No for an answer
If we must have You
Nothing less than all of You

An army is rising (in the realm of the Spirit)
That won’t take No for an answer
If we must have You
Nothing less than all of You (all of You)

Because we won’t wait
For You to come
We are right where You are
We’re desperate for all of You
Nothing less than that

We won’t wait
For You to come
We are right where You are
We’re desperate for all of You
Nothing less than all

Let the army Roar
Hey Hey
Let the army Roar
Hey Hey
Let the army Roar
Hey Hey
Let the army Roar
Hey Hey

An army is rising
That won’t take No for an answer
If we must have You
Nothing less than all of You

Because we won’t wait
For You to come
We are right where You are
We’re desperate for all of You
Nothing less than that

Our generation shall praise Your Name
Our generation shall praise
Shall praise Your Name

Let the army Roar
Hey Hey
Let the army Roar
Hey Hey
Devil over this generation you are a loser
Hey Hey
We take it back
Hey Hey
We redeem the time
Hey Hey
They won’t back down
Hey Hey
A fire goes before them
Hey Hey
Behind them is a desolate land
Hey Hey
They won’t break rank
Hey Hey
And it shall come to pass
Hey Hey
In the last days that I will pour out My Spirit upon all flesh
Hey Hey
And your sons and daughters they shall prophesy
Hey Hey
They shall see visions
Hey Hey

And He shall reign
Forever and ever

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