Dunsin Oyekan – People of His Presence

“People of His Presence” by Dunsin Oyekan: A Musical Odyssey of Worship

In the realm of gospel music, Dunsin Oyekan stands as a luminary, and his 2022 release, “People of His Presence,” solidifies his position as a maestro of spiritual melodies. The Nigerian worship leader and songwriter have consistently delivered soul-stirring compositions that resonate deeply with audiences around the globe. With “People of His Presence,Oyekan invites listeners into a sacred space of worship, guiding them on a transformative journey through the intricate interplay of music and spirituality.

Released in 2022, “People of His Presence” serves as a beacon for those seeking a profound connection with the divine. Oyekan’s distinctive vocals and masterful instrumentation create an atmosphere of reverence, drawing worshippers into an immersive experience. The title itself suggests a communal aspect of faith, emphasizing the shared journey of those who seek and embrace the presence of the divine. This release reaffirms Dunsin Oyekan’s commitment to crafting not just songs but transcendent encounters through his music.

Hailing from Nigeria, Dunsin Oyekan brings the rich musical heritage of the nation into the global spotlight. His fusion of traditional African sounds with contemporary worship elements adds a unique flavor to his compositions. While “People of His Presence” stands as a solo masterpiece, Oyekan’s collaborative spirit has been evident in his previous works, where he has often featured other talented artists. This latest release continues the artist’s legacy of creating music that not only uplifts the spirit but also bridges cultural and spiritual gaps, making it a testament to the universal language of worship.

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Video: Dunsin Oyekan – People of His Presence

Lyrics: Dunsin Oyekan – People of His Presence

We are people
Of Your presence
We will wait and we will stay
We fix our gaze
On you Jesus
We will wait and we will stay
We are people
Of Your presence
We will wait and we will stay
We fix our gaze
On you Jesus
We will wait and we will stay
We are people
Of Your presence
We will wait and we will stay
We fix our gaze
On you Jesus
We will wait and we will stay
We are people
Of Your presence
We will wait and we will stay
We fix our gaze
On you Jesus
We will wait and we will stay
We are people
Of Your presence
We will wait and we will stay
We fix our gaze
On you Jesus
We will wait and we will stay
We are people
Of Your presence
We will wait and we will stay
We fix our gaze
On you Jesus
We will wait and we will stay

Your glory is rising
It’s rising as we worship
Jesus, you are increasing
And we are decreasing
Your glory is rising
It’s rising as we worship
Jesus, you are increasing
We are decreasing
Your glory is rising
It’s rising as we worship
Jesus, you are increasing
And we are decreasing
Your glory is rising
It’s rising as we worship
Jesus, you are increasing
We are decreasing
Your glory is rising
It’s rising as we worship
Jesus, you are increasing
We are decreasing

We are people
Of Your presence
We will wait and we will stay
We fix our gaze
On you Jesus
We will wait and we will stay
We are people
Of Your presence
We will wait and we will stay
We fix our gaze
On you Jesus
We will wait and we will stay
We are people
Of Your presence
We will wait and we will stay
We fix our gaze
On you Jesus
We will wait and we will stay

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