CalledOut Music – He Shall Reign

Reveling in Divine Majesty: CalledOut Music’s Debut Single “He Shall Reign”

CalledOut Music, a star in the Christian music scene, makes a stunning debut with his latest single, “He Shall Reign.” Released in 2024, this captivating track serves as a testament to CalledOut Music’s passion for spreading the message of hope, faith, and divine sovereignty through his artistry.

Born Samuel Nwachukwu, CalledOut Music embodies the essence of musical innovation and spiritual conviction. Hailing from London, UK, he brings a fresh perspective to gospel music, blending contemporary sounds with heartfelt lyrics that resonate with audiences worldwide. With a background rooted in faith and a deep reverence for God’s transformative power, CalledOut Music channels his experiences and convictions into soul-stirring melodies that captivate the soul and uplift the spirit.

As CalledOut Music’s debut single, “He Shall Reign” is a triumphant declaration of God’s sovereignty and majesty. From the opening chords to the stirring crescendo, the song envelops listeners in a symphony of praise and adoration, inviting them to celebrate the greatness of the Almighty.

As we immerse ourselves in the resounding echoes of praise and worship, we are reminded of the enduring truth that God reigns supreme, now and forevermore.


Video: CalledOut Music – He Shall Reign

Lyrics not yet available

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