Bro. Gbile Akanni – The Midnight Cry Part 2

The Midnight Cry Part 2

Continuing his insightful teachings, Brother Gbile Akanni expounds on the significance of the midnight cry as a call to readiness and vigilance for believers. Just as the cry awakened the virgins from their slumber, Brother Gbile Akanni urges us to awaken from spiritual complacency and apathy, recognizing the signs of the times and the nearness of Christ’s return. He emphasizes the need for a sense of urgency in our walk with God, urging us to live each day with an eternal perspective, knowing that our time on earth is short and that the Bridegroom could come at any moment.

Furthermore, Brother Gbile Akanni challenges us to examine our hearts and lives, ensuring that we are not only outwardly religious but inwardly transformed by the power of the Holy Spirit. He calls us to a life of holiness, purity, and fervent devotion to God, so that we may be counted among the wise virgins who are ready to meet the Bridegroom when He comes. Let us, therefore, heed the midnight cry as a call to readiness, fervently preparing our hearts and lives for the glorious return of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.

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