Archbishop Benson Idahosa – If I Be A Man of God

Archbishop Benson Idahosa’s impactful sermon, “If I Be A Man of God,” draws inspiration from the biblical account of Elijah confronting the prophets of Baal on Mount Carmel. In this powerful teaching, Archbishop Idahosa challenged believers to stand firm in their identity as people of God and to boldly confront the challenges they face. He emphasized that a true servant of God, empowered by the Holy Spirit, can demonstrate the reality of God’s presence through miraculous deeds and unwavering faith.

The sermon served as a call to authenticity and boldness in the face of adversity. Archbishop Idahosa encouraged believers to live with the assurance that, if they truly walk with God, His power will manifest through them. “If I Be A Man of God” remains a timeless reminder that the authenticity of one’s relationship with God is evident in their actions and the supernatural impact they have on the world around them. It challenges believers to embrace their identity as vessels of God’s power and to confidently live out their faith in a way that testifies to the reality of God’s presence in their lives.

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